IIT-JEE Student Suicide in Kota: Unveiling the Psychology of Suicide

Suicidal Thoughts, Suicide Attempt

Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young population. Every suicide leaves a major impact on victim’s family and friends and causes an irreparable loss to loved ones.

In a recent tragic incident in Kota, Rajasthan, an 18-year-old student died by suicide this month. The student was enrolled in a coaching institute preparing for the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE), a crucial exam for securing admission into the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology (IIT). This marks the fourth such tragedy this month, making it the 22nd case within this year in Kota.

Every year, thousands of aspirants go to Kota for preparation of IIT-JEE exam in order to pursue their dream of studying in the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology (IIT). However, the dreams of many are shattered as only a few of them make it to IIT. Many of them fail to cope up and succumb to the situation. Having lost their hope, some of them find no way out but to end their journey of life.

These unfortunate events cast a spotlight on the alarming student suicides occurring within the competitive entrance coaching hub. The consistent occurrences of student suicides in Kota have raised deep concern, posing significant questions about the mental well-being of these aspiring students.

In this article, we will talk about the psychology behind student suicide and suggest some ways to prevent them.

Key Factors in Student Suicide

The reasons behind why students commit suicide are intricate, involving a combination of psychological, social, and environmental elements that intersect in ways that can be challenging to predict and address. Here, we shed light on some of the key factors that drive students to such dire decisions –

1. Academic Pressure and Performance Anxiety:

The relentless pursuit of academic excellence, coupled with intense competition, can lead students to experience overwhelming stress and anxiety. The fear of failure, the pressure to make it in the competition, and the constant comparison to peers can result in a suffocating sense of inadequacy and hopelessness.

2. Fear of being labeled as ‘weak’:  

Despite growing awareness, the stigma surrounding mental health issues persists, preventing many students from seeking help. The fear of being labeled as ‘weak’ or ‘unstable’ often leads to silence and isolation, exacerbating their emotional struggles.

3. Unrealistic Expectations:

Societal pressures to conform to certain standards of success can be overwhelming for students. Unrealistic expectations from family, peers, and society can fuel feelings of inadequacy and hopelessness.

4. Lack of Coping Skills:

Many students lack adequate coping skills to deal with the challenges they face. Without adequate coping skills to manage stress and emotions, they may feel overwhelmed and unable to navigate their difficulties effectively.

5. Social Isolation and Loneliness:

The transition from high school to coaching institute can be isolating, particularly for those who are far from their families and old friends. Feelings of loneliness can intensify, especially when students are unable to establish meaningful connections and a support network.

6. Financial Burdens:

Balancing the demands of competition with financial challenges can be overwhelming. Students who hail from poor families often blame themselves for causing financial burden on their families. They feel that there is no option of going back if they do not succeed in the competition.

7. Relationship Issues:

Complications in personal relationships, such as romantic breakups or strained friendships, can significantly impact a student’s mental well-being. The lack of coping mechanisms and emotional resilience may lead to feelings of despair.

8. Access to Mental Health Resources:

Many students are hesitant to share their problems with others and prefer to keep their emotional turmoil to themselves. Moreover, limited awareness and access to effective mental health resources, such as counseling services, can hinder students from receiving the support they desperately need.

Preventing Student Suicide

Prioritizing mental health awareness and creating an environment that values well-being alongside academic achievement are crucial steps toward curbing this heartbreaking trend. By acknowledging the complex interplay of factors contributing to student suicides, we can work together to foster a safer and more compassionate environment for students.

These are some effective strategies for preventing suicides and creating a safety net for those in need.

1. Promote Mental Health Awareness:

Raising awareness about mental health is the first step towards prevention. By eliminating stigma and normalizing conversations about mental well-being, we create an environment where people are more likely to seek help when they need it. Educational campaigns, workshops, and community discussions can help demystify mental health issues.

2. Enhance Access to Mental Health Services:

Easy access to mental health services is essential. Governments, organizations, and institutions should prioritize and invest in mental health facilities, professionals, and helplines. Telehealth options can also make support more accessible, especially in remote areas.

3. Train Gatekeepers:

Gatekeepers, individuals who are often in contact with those at risk, like teachers, healthcare providers, and community leaders, can play a pivotal role in prevention. Training them to recognize warning signs and offer appropriate support can be life-saving.

4. Encourage Help-Seeking Behavior:

Many individuals hesitate to seek help due to stigma or fear of judgment. By promoting open conversations and emphasizing that seeking help is a sign of strength, we can encourage those struggling to reach out for support.

5. Develop Strong Support Systems:

Healthy relationships and strong support systems act as buffers against distress. Encouraging families, friends, and communities to stay connected and engaged can provide a safety net for individuals facing challenges.

6. Reduce Access to Means:

Restricting access to lethal means of self-harm, such as firearms and medications, can significantly reduce the risk of impulsive suicides. This approach has proven effective in preventing suicides, particularly among young individuals.

7. Implement School-Based Programs:

Schools play a crucial role in the lives of students. Introducing comprehensive mental health programs that focus on emotional well-being, coping skills, and stress management can provide students with essential tools to navigate challenges.

8. Promote Resilience and Coping Skills:

Teaching individuals, especially young people, resilience and healthy coping mechanisms can empower them to face adversity. Life skills workshops that focus on managing stress, problem-solving, and emotional regulation can be invaluable.

9. Suicide Prevention Hotlines:

24/7 crisis hotlines provide immediate support for individuals in distress. These helplines offer a confidential space for people to express their feelings and receive guidance from trained professionals. A list of Global Suicide helpline is available at https://faq.whatsapp.com/1417269125743673/?helpref=uf_share

10. Media Sensitivity:

Media outlets should handle suicide-related content with care. Irresponsible reporting can contribute to “suicide contagion,” where suicidal behavior spreads after exposure. Media can play a positive role by sharing stories of hope, recovery, and resilience.


Preventing student suicides requires a multi-faceted approach that encompasses awareness, support, education, and accessibility. By collectively working towards creating an environment where mental health is valued and addressed, we can save lives and offer hope to those in need. Through compassion, understanding, and effective intervention, we can build a safety net that ensures individuals facing despair find the help and support they deserve.

Also Read: Taking Care of Your Mental Health: Finding Balance and Happiness

Feeling Down? Let’s Talk About Depression

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    1. Yes…..many of these preventive mesures like – Suicide prevention helpline, Gatekeeper training, Mental health awareness through workshops and webinars are already taking place in India.
      Suicide Prevention day is celebrated on 10th September every year and awareness is raised through articles, webinars etc. To know more stay tuned for the upcoming suicide prevention day.

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    thanks once again.